Friday, August 18, 2006

You know what really grinds my gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

People roaming around stark naked in the mens dressing room. Do u really have to walk around talking to people while having ur ding dongs dropping down? Y cant people just cover it up with a towel!!!
So i was taking out my bag from the locker and was sitting on the bench. This dude who has his locker 4-5 feet away from me comes out from the shower naked and has his spring rolls facing me and cleaning his ears... I mean WTF. Howmuch ever i tried not to look, it was just something u can't avoid type of situation. NASTY ... i felt like puking rite there. Nastiest crap is looking at a big fat dude naked, trying to wear his underwear ... OMG ... FUNNY and HORRIBLE!!!!! I felt like removing my lenses and blinding myself rite there!
Y can't they just have a Brokeback section and Straight section in the dressing room. that way all the shameless people will be in one area and all the decent people will be on the other side! This would make things so much more better.

Oh... another awkward moment was when i went back to get my bag from the locker, some dudes just came out of the shower and naturally were wearing nothing, and the song playing in the room was by The Beatles - "I wanna hold ur hand". I got the fuck outta there in record time. YUCK!

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